Professional Negligence
We consider it the highest praise that, when a lawyer needs a lawyer, they turn to WGM for assistance. Since our firm’s founding in 1962, we have been successfully and discreetly representing lawyers, other professionals and practices facing substantial liability from claims of malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud.
We consider it equally high praise when an individual who has been the victim of professional malpractice trusts us to help right that wrong.
Medical malpractice claims are highly complex. The skillful handling of medical malpractice cases not only requires legal expertise, but in-depth knowledge of medical science and practice as well. Our team has more than 150 years combined experience assessing, trying and resolving cases against doctors, dentists and hospitals. We have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of clients pursing medical malpractice claims and can provide you with a candid assessment of whether medical negligence played a role in your or a loved one’s injury.
The most common types of professional negligence cases involve:
Legal Malpractice
Medical Malpractice
Nursing Home Negligence
Accounting Malpractice
Stockbroker Malpractice